The original Peacock Throne, called Takht-e Tâvus (Persian: تخت طاووس), was built for the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan in the early 17th century.
The name comes from the shape of the throne, having the figures of two peacocks standing behind it, their tails being expanded and the whole so inlaid with sapphires, rubies, emeralds, pearls and other precious stones of appropriate colors as to represent life. The famous Koh-i-noor diamond was placed in this throne.
The throne was seized along with other plunder when the Iranian conqueror Nader Shah captured Delhi in 1739. Before leaving India, he had a divan made in the same style and brought both Peacock Thrones back to Iran, only to lose both in warfare with the Kurds, who apparently dismantled them and distributed the precious stones and metals.
Later Peacock Thrones or divans (probably reproductions) were made for subsequent shahs, notably Fath Ali Shah. The dazzling chair-like throne used by the two Pahlavi Shāhs at their coronations (1926, 1941) was a reproduction dating from the Qājār dynasty.
The beauty of peacock feathers is the inspiration for this piece woven to resemble the dramatic “eye” of the peacock tail. To further accentuate the peacock design, the Swarovski crystals have the peacock eye design coated on them giving its name to the colour of this crystal. Embracing the peacock eye crystals are high quality Czech dagger embellishments that also have the peacock eye design printed.
Layers upon layers of peacock pattern. The fan shaped embellishments further reinforces the peacock theme of the piece. A romantic, graceful, bold and dramatic piece. Although complex and intricate looking, this piece is in fact easily put together by anyone with some knowledge of peyote bead-weaving.
Jewel Of The Peacock Throne Tutorial Booklet
SKU: 806-NK0159-TU