The Lanyard Tutorial

    A lanyard is a cord or strap worn around the neck, shoulder, or wrist to carry such items as keys or identification cards.

    The Lanyard is a flat spiral strap that is supple and lush flat. Hundreds of glittering firepolished beads form the spine of the strap. A huge sparkly lobster claw at the end of the Lanyard is used to hang a twinkling jewel encrusted Swarovski crystal pendant. The pendant is removable and the Lanyard may be used to hang various items from keys to name tags and mobile phones.

  • Dimensions

    Lanyard Length : 88 cm (33”)Strap
    Width : 2 cm (0.75")
    Pendant Height (including the lobster claw): 18.5 cm (3.5")
    Pendant Width : 4.5 cm (1.75")

  • Technique

    Flat Spiral Rope
    Cubic Right Angle Weave

  • Difficulty



    Japanese Seed Beads
    Czech Firepolished Beads
    Lobster Claw
    Swarovski Crystals

The Lanyard Tutorial Booklet

SKU: 806-NK0242-TU

Price $31.00
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